You asked for it, we heard you!
An easier way to register
for programs & events!
All you need is one form of identification:
• a current driver’s license
• current State issued photo ID card OR
• a Matricula Card (also known as the Mexican CID card)
to receive the discounted resident rate when you register for programs and events.
You will receive the resident rate:
If your current drivers' license, State issued photo ID card has a Hanover Park address.
If you live outside of the Village of Hanover Park AND Hanover Park Park District is listed on your tax bill.
Five Easy Ways to Register:
1. Online registration – www.hpparks.org
Online registration is available through our website. If you have not yet applied for online registration, a simple quick visit to the Hanover Park Park District Community Center at 1919 Walnut Ave, Hanover Park, IL 60133 is necessary to complete the family registration form. All you need is one form of identification:
2. Mail – 1919 Walnut Ave, Hanover Park, IL 60133
Prior to mailing in your registration, A Family Information Form must be completed in person at the Park District office, accompanied by one form of identification:
3. Fax – (630) 837-9720
Prior to faxing in your registration, A Family Information Form must be completed in person at the Park District office, accompanied by one form of identification:
4. Walk-In
Register in person at the Park District office at 1919 Walnut Ave, Hanover Park, IL 60133 during regular business hours. If you have not yet completed a family Information Form yet, please bring on a form of identification:
5. Phone-In
Prior to phoning in your registration, a Family Information Form must be completed in person at the Park District office. Please bring one form of identification:
Registration Information
Only immediate family members are listed on a registration form.
Only a parent or guardian may register a minor and sign the waiver.
The registration form must be filled out completely and accurately.
Review all registration, transfer, and refund information.
Payment must accompany registration. Fax registration must be accompanied by Visa, Master Card, or Discover card information. Make checks payable to the Hanover Park Park District.
Members of households with a delinquent outstanding balance shall not be allowed to register for Park District programs or facilities until said balance is paid in full.
In-District and Out-of-District Rates
In-District residents of the Hanover Park Park District have priority for limited programs. You will receive the discounted in-district rate if your current driver's license, State issued photo ID card has a Hanover Park address OR if you live outside of the Village of Hanover Park AND Hanover Park Park District is listed on your tax bill.
In-District residents only need one form of identification: a current driver’s license, a current State issued photo ID card OR a Matricula Card (also known as the Mexican CID card). Non-residents may register for programs for a fee that is 50% higher than the resident fee or $15 over the resident fee, whichever is the smaller amount.
Requests must be made in person. A $5 service fee will apply for most transfers. A $10 service fee will apply for Preschool, Before and After School Club and Summer Day Camp programs.
Refund Policy
Refunds will not be granted for class(es) missed or forgotten. All requests for refunds must be submitted in writing. Forms for refunds are available at the Park District office.
Refunds requested for a program prior to the start of the class will be assessed as a $5 service fee.
A request for a refund after the program begins, but prior to the 2nd meeting, will also be assessed an additional prorated fee based upon the per class cost.
NO REFUNDS will be granted after the 2nd class with the exception of a written medical excuse with the fee based on the prorated cost per class and the normal service fee.
Refunds for trips will not be given unless the trip is canceled by the Park District or a replacement is found to take the trip.
A $10 service fee applies for Preschool, Before and After School Club, and Summer Day Camp programs.
Financial Assistance
Financial assistance offers In-District residents who experience undue hardship an opportunity to enroll their children in recreation programs. Funding is made available by the Hanover Park Park Foundation. For more information, contact k.pinones@hpparks.org or call 630.837.2468 ext 121.
The Hanover Park Park District, Centre Court Athletic Club, and all other facilities are accessible and comply with the American Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. The elevator in the Community Center is accessible from all three levels and is available for public use.
Program Code of Conduct
To ensure enjoyable and safe programs for all participants, the Hanover Park Park District has developed a behavior code. Participants shall:
Show respect to all participants and staff.
Refrain from using foul language.
Refrain from causing bodily harm.
Show respect to equipment, supplies, and facilities.
Additional rules are developed for specific programs as deemed necessary by the staff. Failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may result in removal from the program or event without a refund.