Be a steward of your community by taking part in our program to help beautify the parks of Hanover Park. We at the Hanover Park Park District are making great improvements to our park system to create safer, healthier, and fun environments for everyone to enjoy. But we need your help!
This is a great opportunity to get you and or your group involved in the community in a positive and lasting way. So make the commitment and make your mark on your park! It's as simple as adopting an available park of your choosing and donating your time to one of the following opportunities.
Planting Native Vegetation
Weeding & Raking Playgrounds
Trash Pickup & General Park Cleanup
Graffiti Cleanup
Visual Site Monitoring
For more information, please contact Steve Bessette, Superintendent of Parks & Planning at 630-837-2468 ext.128 or via email at s.bessette@hpparks.org
Together we can create change for the future!
The Hanover Park Park District’s parks and trails are great places for people of all ages to relax and recreate. As you know, these areas stay beautiful only with a continuous effort on everyone’s part.
When using a park, please put trash in its place. If you come upon discarded trash, please help by putting it in a trash container.
Throughout the year, the Parks Department can only employ up to a handful of individuals who maintain the park sites. Volunteer help from our residents and visitors alike is always welcomed.
Parks are open from sunrise to sunset, seven days a week, unless otherwise posted. It takes everyone working together to beautify the parks and improve the quality of our environment. Thank you for loving your park.
Call 630.837.2468